A Day in the Life:

Hello everyone! I hope everyone reading this post is having an absolutely fabulous morning (or afternoon, or evening, or night!) For this post, I will be sharing my daily schedule. It is a bit more busy that others at my school because I am preparing for the school’s musical. It’s been very fun and I’ve made a lot of great friends this school year, but it’s also been a bit hard. I am at school for about 10 hours every day. But it’ll be worth it to finally perform for everyone. Hope you enjoy!

6:30 a.m: Wake up

6:31 a.m: Get ready for school

7:10 a.m: Hurry! Get in the car!

7:30 a.m: Math class

8:36 a.m: Journalism (when I do my blogging)

9:42 a.m: Utah Studies

10:48 a.m: ELA

11:54 a.m: Science

1:30 p.m: Orchestra

2:30 p.m: Play Practice

5: 30. p.m: Go Home

6:00 p.m: Dinner

6:30 p.m: Homework, Read, Clean, Get ready for bed

9:00 p.m: Go to bed 🙂

Note: Please don’t read this at night, you need sleep.

Free Write

Good morning people! Today, I get to go to the library during school for a book club. I’m pretty excited for it, and can’t wait to talk to other people about the book “New Kid” Yesterday, I finished a book called “Beautiful Blue World” by Suzanne LaFleur (same other for “Counting to Perfect”) and I really enjoyed it. This morning, I got the sequel “Threads of Blue” from the library, and am excited to find out what happens to the main character, Mathilde. Last week, I had an orchestra performance, and I think we did pretty well. We have a great teacher, and most of us are very good at out instruments. Currently, I play the violin, but I might want to learn viola. Should I? Please tell me in the comments!