A Day in the Life:

Hello everyone! I hope everyone reading this post is having an absolutely fabulous morning (or afternoon, or evening, or night!) For this post, I will be sharing my daily schedule. It is a bit more busy that others at my school because I am preparing for the school’s musical. It’s been very fun and I’ve made a lot of great friends this school year, but it’s also been a bit hard. I am at school for about 10 hours every day. But it’ll be worth it to finally perform for everyone. Hope you enjoy!

6:30 a.m: Wake up

6:31 a.m: Get ready for school

7:10 a.m: Hurry! Get in the car!

7:30 a.m: Math class

8:36 a.m: Journalism (when I do my blogging)

9:42 a.m: Utah Studies

10:48 a.m: ELA

11:54 a.m: Science

1:30 p.m: Orchestra

2:30 p.m: Play Practice

5: 30. p.m: Go Home

6:00 p.m: Dinner

6:30 p.m: Homework, Read, Clean, Get ready for bed

9:00 p.m: Go to bed 🙂

Note: Please don’t read this at night, you need sleep.

My first post

Hi! This is my first blog post for school. I’m learning how to add pictures and links to my post. I decided to do a picture of my favorite candy.

I love Rolos!

One of my favorite websites to go to is Tetris. I spend a lot of my free time on there. You can visit the website here.